Welcome to Ask a Peruvian!

Welcome to Ask a Peruvian! - Hallo sahabat Single Under 40, Pada Artikel yang anda baca kali ini dengan judul Welcome to Ask a Peruvian!, kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik untuk anda baca dan ambil informasi didalamnya. mudah-mudahan isi postingan Artikel capital of Peru, Artikel Peru, Artikel Peru blogs, Artikel Peruvian, Artikel questions about Peru, Artikel Where is Peru, yang kami tulis ini dapat anda pahami. baiklah, selamat membaca.

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Welcome to Ask a Peruvian!

First of all, kids, let's all repeat my country's name: PE-RU. A two-syllable word, not that difficult, uh? Now, it's a country. A freaking country, for God's sake, which means it's not a city, not a continent, not an aquarium in Ohio. And even though there's a town in Nebraska called 'Peru', ours has the stress on the first syllable, so it goes something like 'peRU!.' That's why we crazy Spanish-speakers use written accents to indicate word stress, so -in our unintelligible tongue, it looks just like this: PerĂº.

I won't waste my precious time teaching you how, when and where you must use written accents in Spanish because, truth be told, MOST Spanish-speakers ourselves have absolutely no idea about it, so we just ignore written accents or use them at random. Don't wanna brag but I'm particularly careful with spelling since my whole life I've been into literature and languages. Yeah. Big deal when it comes to the Spelling Bee (something we certainly don't have in Spanish-speaking countries due to the fact that words are written exactly as they sound.) So let's say our written accent is just like your spelling rules: not even native Speakers give a damn about it. And now, with the Internet linguistic anarchy, you are just free to write and no language police will come to pull your wig.

Second thing: Where the heck is Peru? As a very nice lady once asked me in California: 'Is it close to Machu Picchu?' No, it's not! Actually, Machu Picchu is in Peru just as Disneyworld is in the US and not 'close to it', goddamn it! So here it is, a South America map I bothered to edit -it took me a while actually- to prove the audience my country actually exists, and it's next to the soccer world champion Brazil and near Hugo Chavez's Venezuela. And south of America's 51st state- Colombia.

Now that I look it closely, it kinda looks like Africa but it still isn't!!!

Now you are ready to go on Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader? and beat Kellie Piclker.

But she's got a sweet voice, if you ask me. If only voice were brains...

This first entry is just an ice-breaker, a nervous laugh, in case you didn't notice. While there are plenty of hilarious & weird facts to tell about Peru, I'm positive that with your questions and my answers, we can really get to share valuable information on the topic. Peru. Peruvian life. Peruvians abroad. Expats in our country. You are all free to email your questions at: askaperuvian@gmail.com and I'll get to reply as soon as possible. The only stupid question is the one you don't ask. (Actually asking whether it's true we all are salsa dancers is pretty stupid too) Brainstorm. Dare. Ask. It's you who will turn this blog into one direction or another. Stop browsing BestBuy so much, give yourself a break from World of Warcraft, quit porn for a second. (It'll still be there once you're done checking this blog, I promise.)

So as I have nothing else to add here, this is it. Thanks a lot. Really.

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